Monday, August 23, 2010

Lodestone, found in birds, bees,and bacteria probably acts as what device?

Heyyyyyyyyyyy; I THink i actually no this birds swallow seeds but since they hav no teeth they must swallow rocks to crush the seeds so then they probably scoop up some lodestone and the 3 properties that lodestone has is #1 It is magnetic #2 In ancient legends it is rumored for lodestone to always point north

#3 Chinese people use it for compasses.LOL

Lodestone, found in birds, bees,and bacteria probably acts as what device?
Possible theory is that it helps orient them to the magnetic north.
Reply:Lodestone are magnetic and it is believed that organisms that have lodestones are tuned into the magnetic north pole in some way or another. This may be the reason why birds are able to migrate long distances.
Reply:ballast, to orientate them right side up, birds needs stones in their gizzards to help crush seeds, aid in digestion.

Why would bacteria need to know which way north is?

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