Friday, August 20, 2010

Did God create viruses and harmful bacteria or did they create themselves after the fall of man?

You never thought that the world needed good bacteria and viruses? Sin corrupted them. We became evil so did the rest of the world. Everything was corrupted by sin... Jim

Did God create viruses and harmful bacteria or did they create themselves after the fall of man?
I think they created themselves after the fall of men.
Reply:Viruses are a type of organizm. It's been documented that viruses and bacteria change and evolve to survive, or else we would have cured everything by now. So, you could say they evolved. Or god created them. Or they were flung from outer space by robots. Take your pick.
Reply:I don't really know as I'm an atheist..but I think it was like the curse "God" give to man..or something like that..= Z
Reply:Eve ate apple.. like opening Pandora's box
Reply:Obviously the bible doesn't say "and then you shall be infected by viruses and bacteria" but I am fairly certain that this was part of the fall, like thorns and such.
Reply:God created everything good, but thru time and polluition and the natural effects of sin, much has degraded and is no longer good. Man did that,not God. You cant treat a perfect world like it is a huge trash dump and expect it to stay gorgous and beautiful and reman forever. Even the secular scientists can see the degradtion in the world today. and God tells us when we turn our back on Him, He leaves us to our own demise, unless you are one of HIs Christians. Look at the new diseases coming every day, and all that. look at Aids. God says He is trying to get our attention to get us to STOP and turn back to Him. It will get much worse. God God tells us He will protect His ppl, and that we go home with Jesus before the great tribulation. the others stay as it gets worse. ever wonder about that? read it in the Bible, not something I would want to go thru. and the ppl that do bring it on themselves by their own refusal to obey God. God gives us us choice.
Reply:no scripture on this however my guess is Bacteria and viruses were left over after the first or last creation. Our immune system when in peak operating conditiop can fight off nearly all of these as can be witnessed by some who go their whole life without getting sick. Some factors which contribute to becoming vulnerable are sin, which causes guilt and shame which lower immunity and create environments within the body which are favorable to the little buggers growth. 85% of all disease is psychsomatic and this is the chief way these work. Needless to say a clear conscience with a trust in a benevolent benefactor goes a long way to remaining immune. Being angry is one of the more prevalent mental problems that makes a body vulnerable. There is a theory which I think is correct which states people who seem to be around when healings take place often have a very healthy psychy and through a sort od mind meld or telepathic connection not only teach the brain to reawaken these natural healing methods in the brain but sometimes cause the healed person to have this corrected state and they can pass it on to others which has resulted in a phenomena I have witnessed when after a person gets healed they can then become a healer themselves. I think the ability is there to be awakened should the right set of circumstances become available. This would only account for a large percentage of healings others like x-ray proof of a phemur growing 3/8 of an inch over night is still a mystery to me.

In short I do not know when they arrived here but there is good evidence they were here long b4 the rest of us, and our immune system when operating at top performance levels can defeat them and this performance level can sometimes be achieved in the presence of some people, who say it is a gift from God. I myself was healed once.

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