a. F+ cells donate DNA to another cell, F- cells receive DNA from another cell.
b. F+ cells contain functional DNA, F- cells have dormant nonfunctional DNA.
c. F+ cells can still divide by fission, while F- cells cannot.
d. F- cells have already passed DNA on to other cells, thus the designation of F-
2. How does conjugation differ from transformation?
a. Only conjugation will create recombinant DNA.
b. Conjugation requires all cells involved to be alive, while transformation can include dead cells in the process.
c. Conjugation requires a viral vector, transformation does not.
d. Conjugation reduces the amount of genetic variation in a population, transformation does not
3. n humans, females are XX and males are XY. What causes the genotype XY to express the male phenotype?
a. the absence of the second X chromosome
b. the presence of the Y chromosome
c. epistasis between the X and Y
d. none of the above are correct
Thank you for helping me!!
1. What is the difference between bacteria designated as F+ and F-?...see details for choises..?
Reply:I don't know any of these, but my guess is as good as yours!
1a is the best answer of these, although it's not very good. F+ means it has the ability to form a sex pilus. But -- it can't use it to conjugate with all F- cells! Only cells that have a "pilus receptor" can participate in the other side of the bacterial conjugation.
2b, best answer of these, also not a great answer. Transformation can include bits of DNA not particularly associated with cells.
3b. I don't like any of the answers, and I don't even know what "epistasis" means. So I don't know the answer to this one.
Reply:1 im pretty sure its a
2 b
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