thx in advance.
Why don't vaccines work on bacteria?
Vaccines DO work on some bacteria. The diseases smallpox, the plague, Haemophilus Influenza type b bacteria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough) are all caused by barteria and all of them can be prevented by vaccines. Your teacher is mixed up.
Next, antibiotics do NOT work on any virus (she is right about that one) because antibiotics are designed to interfer with bacterial mechanisms (mostly replication or protein synthesis) and viruses have a whole range of different genetic systems that are completely unrelated to those of animals, plants and bacteria. Viruses are not considered to be living orgnaisms. There are anti-viral agents though.
Reply:Who said they don't?
Bubonic plague, TB, and cholera are all bacteria that can be treated with vaccines (at least certain strains).
Reply:I think your teacher meant that antibiotics do not work on viruses and the anti- viral vaccines do work on bacteria.
Antibiotics usuallyy attack a membrane function of bacteria, so viruses do not have that.
Anti -viral drugs usuall attack the protein coat of viruses, or use dead viruses as immune response starters.
So, you can see, one does not work for the other.
Reply:They do.
Are you thinking maybe why antibiotics do not work on viruses? That can be explained by how quickly they adapt and evolve.
Reply:The reason vaccines don't work on bacteria is because vaccines are made from viruses (either killed or live). Antibiotics don't work on viruses because antibiotics kill bacteria/disable bacterial growth.
Examples: Influenza (the Flu) is caused by a virus. This is why we get flu shots. Flu shots contain a killed form of what the CDC or WHO believes will be either the three or five most active viruses each year (this is why you have to get flu shots every year). If a doctor were to give you an antibiotic when you have the flu, it's not going to do anything because the antibiotic would have absolutely no effect on the influenza virus. However, if you get something like strep throat, that is caused by a certain type of bacteria. Doctors often give something like amoxicillin because this antibiotic inhibits any new growth of the streptococcus while at the same time bursting the bacterial cell, killing it.
Hope that helps.
Reply:Vaccines are not safe for viruses, let alone bacteria. You might want to do some research. There is mercury, lead, aluminum, formaldehyde, etc.
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