Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I heard that gbs is a bacteria and that you need 2 doses of ontibiotics is it truth?

i heard that you need 2 every 4 hours so how long does it take a 1 dose of antibiotics to work?

I heard that gbs is a bacteria and that you need 2 doses of ontibiotics is it truth?
GBS, or Group B Strep can be a little frightening for a mother who tests positive, (as I did during my pregnancy), but it definitely freaks you out much more than it does the doctor. They only had time to give me one bag of antibiotics while I was in labor, (because the nurse had the drip going way too slow). I believe they can't start the second bag of antibiotics for at least 2 hours after the first one was done... I could be a little off but it seems that's what they were telling me. A lot of midwives don't want their clients to even take the antibiotics because they're much more cued into the natural way of things and there is evidence or theories that sometimes the antibiotics don't do any good because it can create antibodies for the antibiotics. Anyways... I did a lot of research as soon as I had found out I was GBS pos. and most of the stuff I found was stuff that kinda freaked me out because it was worse-case scenario... no ones going to talk about their experience with GBS if it had no effect whatsoever. So try to stay away from researching it online and put your trust into your doctors and nurses... they really do know what they're doing and deal with GBS on a weekly basis.

Group B streptococcus (GBS) is one of many bacteria that normally live in our bodies and usually cause no harm.

In at least 90% of the births where the mother is properly tested and treated for GBS colonization, the babies are healthy.
Reply:Yeah i had it, had to have 2 doses of it before they would break my water.

Hmm i went in at 8 am to be enduced, had blood work, iv put in with 2 others one to have contractions and the other for antibiotce. And at 4 pm they broke my water.

so some time before 4 pm i had anouther dose(never kept count) You get two so they baby will be less likly to get it when being born.

At 9:43pm i had my baby girl.

Just remebered why they wanted to give it before my water broke so the bacteria wouldnt get to the baby. They want you to get 2 before your water breaks. I didnt know i was GBS positve until i went in.. So from 8 am - 4 pm i had 2 doses and that was it, no more after the water broke
Reply:Yes its true. If you have the GBS bacteria you need antibiotics every 4 hours after your waters break. Its like taking antibiotics for a sore throat, you dont just take one! They cant actually tell if u r going to have the baby soon or not (they can sort of predict but evertone is diff) So if u have had one dose and the four hours is up and still no baby they will give u the other does just incase!

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