Saturday, July 24, 2010

Whats the diferrence between virus and bacteria?

A bacterium is a microscopic unicellular organism with a simple cell structure, they procreate by fission, that is splitting and sharing DNA.

A virus is a submicroscopic parasite which invades living cells, including bacteria, and hijacks the cell's systems to force the cell to make copies of the virus.

Whats the diferrence between virus and bacteria?
i guess you are talking about being sick....the difference between a viral infection and a bacterial infection is that the bacterial infection is treated with antibiotics and a viral infection is not treated at all because antibiotics are useless against a virus. Chicken soup and bedrest (time) is the only cure against a viral infection....unless the virus is HIV then that's a whole nother ball game....
Reply:A virus is usually much much smaller than bacteria. A virus is also a much simpler organism that does not have a nucleous. Its basically just RNA wrapped in a shell. Most argue that a virus is not really alive since it can not reproduce on its own and has to have a cell that it invades inorder to reproduce itself.

1.Microscopic,living organisms.

2.Free living or parasites.

3.Have D N A as well as R N A of their own.

4.Show respiration, movements and other activities on their own.

5.Can be controlled with the help of antibiotics.

6.They are helpful as well as harmful.


1.Ultra-microscopic and can be seen only under electron microscope. Because they are much smaller than the smallest bacterium.

2.They are only parasites and require host to show activity.

3.They have either D N A or R N A but never both.

4.Show no activity at all out side a host cell.After invasion they hijack the metabolic machinery of the host and multiply at the expense of the host.

5.Can survive high temperature and pass through bacterial filters.

6.Antibiotics have no effect on them.They are all harmful and cause various diseases in plants,animals and humans.

lady slipper

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