Saturday, July 24, 2010

Any remedies for gastritis, h pylori bacteria??

No ulcers and have taken antibiotics for it once. Have weight loss and symptoms had dissappeared after antibiotics -prevpac. But now the pain symptoms are back and unbearable pain in the back and abdomen.

Any remedies for gastritis, h pylori bacteria??
You may have the H. Pylori infection again. The best thing to do is to go to a doctor again, and possibly get another prev pac. Don't play around with this. H. Pylori can lead to a gastrointestinal bleed that can be life threatening. I know the prev pacs are expensive, but you're going to need this if you have the H. Pylori infection again. Do it and get it over with, don't play around with your life. Best of luck to you.....
Reply:limiting my refined sugar intake helped me. Also, try looking into Probiotics.
Reply:I also have h-pylori. It never goes away. The anti gent does. Keep taking the prev pak and maybe ask for for a mild pain killer, but be careful that may irritate also.
Reply:You need to stay on medication for that. I use prilosec OTC. Use it til the pain goes away then use it every 2 weeks. If that does not work have your doc. write you a RX for the prilosec, it will be much stonger. I have had it for years. You have to watch your food intake and the types of food you eat.
Reply:if an H pylori infection is probed, you have to take medication including lansoprazol (inhibits acid production) amoxicilin and claritromycin (antibiotics) depending on your country there maybe complete treatments on a pill (helicopack) and of course diet without a lot of condiments, gas, chili, don´t smoke and don´t drink alcohol (a lot)

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