Monday, November 21, 2011

Which of the following contain more harmful bacteria and why?

The bottom of your shoe, your cell phone, or a toilet seat? First best answer gets 10 points.

Which of the following contain more harmful bacteria and why?
I'm a microbiology student, and I would say your cell phone contains the most harmful bacteria. Sure, you could culture bacteria from the bottom of your shoes, and yes, toilet seats do harbor some bacteria, bust most of it is harmeless. Cell phones probably harbor more pathogenic bacteria. In this respect they are fomites, objects that enable the transmission of bacteria from person to person (like a door knob). You speak into a cell phone, spraying it with countless bacteria from your oral cavity - many of which may be pathogenic and cause colds, throat infections etc. Also, you put your ears right up to cell phones, which would be a great way for bacteria that cause ear infections to be transmitted - they probably thrive since the ear piece and mouth piece of a cell phone are probably the dampest, warmest and most moist area of a cell phone, and many pathogenic bacteria loves such an environment. If people share cell phones, this would be a great way for pathogenic bacteria to be transmitted from person to person. Also, if people in clinics and hospitals use their cell phones there, they may be helping to spread harmful bacteria that way.

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